Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A life that pleases me or a life that truly glorifies Him?

Because of our short-sighted vision of life, we often tend to selfishness. A lot of people are striving towards a lifestyle that is totally pleasing them, even if this way of life is totally opposed to moral standards. Most people do care about short-time pleasures and are intentionally discarding the consequences.

Trust His wisdom, for He knows better

Our Lord's thoughts are much broader and wiser than ours, yet so many individuals are afraid to surrender their lives to Him. They tend to forget that Yeshua knows our beginning and our ending. In His infinite wisdom, every episode He permits is part of a much bigger plan that involves much bigger than our own selves.

Even as believers and disciples, we should sincerely ask ourselves the following question:
"Are we willing to lay down our lives for Him so He can fulfill His plan completely through us?"

While agonizing in Gethsemane, on that tragic night, Yeshua implored our Father:
"Father , if you are willing, take this cup from me..."

But He also concluded: "But your will be done, not mine".

As children of our Heavenly Father, we must trust that each circumstance He uses in our lives will work out for our greatest good.
We must also trust that His plans for our future are perfect.
The Book of Jeremiah clearly points out: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11

Rejection is a form of fear

I used to run away from Yeshua, because I was afraid of His love and the plans He might have in reserve for me. I believed in my own wisdom and was very much disappointed with what I experienced. Encountering Yeshua truly changed my whole perspective about Him. I received such insights about His goodness that I am now willing to work towards His greatest glory.
It is much safer to walk in this world under His loving protection.

In the face of sickness, darkness, desperation and death

The story of Job allows the reader to find responses to very dramatic life situations. It also teaches us not to prompt judging the ones who are hardly hit in times of darkness.

The proverb that exhorts us not to judge someone before walking 1000 miles in his shoes takes all his meaning in front of the text of Job that has been, so many times, overanalyzed.
Funnily the whole accent is put on Job's intense suffering, but nobody seems to take note that Hashem made Job travel from a state of prosperity to a state of increased wealth.
The legendary expression "poor as Job" has become very popular, yet Job used to be one of the richest men in his contemporary world.
Yes, the righteous servant went through darkness, sickness and despair. He lost his children. Every hardship that attained him quite simultaneously. Not every individual would have had the force to resist; it would probably have killed many or make them completely lose faith in the Almighty.

However, we must bear in mind that this was a hard test of faith (induced by the enemy, as reported in the Book of Job).

A disciple will not necessarily be exempted from storms and times of darkness.
It is just safer to travel through them when Yeshua is the guest of our ship.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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