Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Yeshua walks on water in the perspective of Sefer Bereshit ( Book of Genesis)

Mark 6:48
He saw them wearing themselves out by rowing, because the wind was against them.
Around the fourth watch, He came to them. They saw Him walking on the surface of the water, and intended to pass by them.

Now the earth was astonishingly empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the water. (Genesis 1:2)

Please note: the Hebrew language renders " the surface of the water" by "the faces of the waters"...this verse ( Mark 6:48) uses yam ( sea) instead of mayim (water) unlike Genesis 1:2.

I know about the episode of Yeshua walking on water since my childhood. I've read it many times. 
The complexity of this episode never crossed my mind until yesterday, when I decided to study the verse of Mark 6:48 in Hebrew.
The Hebrew translation will reveal elements that you wouldn't be able to guess in any other translated version. As I was reflecting on the verse, intrigued by the expression "penei hayam" ( the faces of the sea (of Galilee)), Yeshua immediately put this verse in correlation with Genesis 1:2.

In the verse of Genesis 1:2, you will find: "veruakh Elohim merakhefet al penei hamayim", "... and the Spirit of Elohim was hovering over the faces of the waters. While the verse of Mark 6:48 uses " penei hayam", the faces of the sea ( Sea of Galilee), the action of Yeshua walking on the sea is similarly a result of the action of the Holy Spirit. Yeshua's body defies the laws of gravitation in this dramatic moment. It is lifted up through the Holy Spirit. The only noticeable difference between both expressions " penei hamayim" ( the faces of the waters) and " penei hayam" ( the faces of the sea) seems to be the following one: in the Beginning, the Spirit is hovering over a surface that implies infinite space. The word mayim, the waters are extended much more than "penei hayam" and points to an infinite, extendable surface. Mayim decomposes into yam, so that the first word becomes the second's container.

מים mayim= water
ים   yam    = sea
רוּח ruakh = spirit, Spirit of God, wind

Interestingly, Yeshua lifted the veil regarding the expression " penei hamayim" this morning by showing me that the faces of the waters pointed at diverse degrees of the appearance of the waters: superficial or deep, never equal, always in movement.

The miracle of Yeshua walking on the waters occurs just after the multiplication of bread and fish. The disciples confuse the presence of the Ruakh ha Kodesh ( the Holy Spirit) with a common spirit, a ghost ( ruakh). This is why they are caught in terror when Yeshua is approaching them. Also note that the preceding verse states that the wind-which also corresponds to the Hebrew word ruakh- was against them.

The wind being contrary to the disciples, their eyes were blinded to see. It is also said that they did not comprehend the multiplication of fish and bread because of their heardened heart.

Walking on water is far from being common. This is a sign from somebody who is greater than Moshe and who masters the elements.

In these days, a lot of people are trying to minimize Yeshua's signs and miracles. Some people are coming up with arrogant boasting, stating that Yeshua was just performing the trick of an illusionist. Some others are saying that " anybody can walk on water".
Remember that the Egyptians treated Moshe in the same way and mocked the signs of Hashem. But Moshe's serpent swallowed the all magicians' serpents in the end.

Hashem is King and He 'll always have the last word. Trust His power. Great is our Lord and He is greatly to be praised. Amen.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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