Friday, July 15, 2016

Very saddening, but predictable: a little commentary about terror in Nice

Dear readers,

Our Lord Yeshua has been giving me quite a few prophetic visions about France. Within the last months, He has warned me about street massacres to occur in the future. 
The recent events yesterday in Nice are really sad. Children were among the victims on a day that should have been joy and celebration. While I am feeling a lot of empathy for the families of the victims, I am not surprised that such kind of things would happen, as Yeshua had given me visions of people lying in a pool of blood. I believe that it is just the beginning of a series of events that are to come. One must understand that, through these tragic events, our Lord is speaking.

Yeshua spoke to me in very clear words: He wants people's hearts back. Yeshua wants individuals to offer Him a sincere Teshuva ( repentance). Think about it: time is counted. A lot of details, and also precise signs in the sky like the Tetrads ( the four bloody moons) are pointing at Yeshua's Second Coming.

In Mark 13:28, Yeshua states:

"Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that Summer is near."

We should watch the signs of times carefully and be ready for the Master's return. It could happen any time now. Pray continuously through the Holy Spirit. Watch out. Exhort people to get saved while our Savior's grace is still available.
One day it will be too late. Do not be among the ones who will weep bitterly when Yeshua will close the door.

I would like to offer a little prayer for the families in Nice who have been affected by terror yesterday, but also for all the people all over the world who have suffered from Islamic terror.

May our Lord bring you all physical and moral healing. May He console the ones who are weeping now. 

A doctor posted this on Facebook. May the perfect doctor, Yeshua, heal the wounded souls and body of all.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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