Sunday, July 10, 2016

Subtle shades of meaning ( from "Heart of a Savior")

My daughter, I am urging people to get serious now about having a relationship with me, for I am telling you that so many will not recognize me when our Father will send me back.
Tell people to stop thinking of me as an abstraction. I am a real person.
Tell them to turn to me with all their hearts instead of relying on dead Scriptures.
I can see the masses fall for their false messiah in the same way they did on the very day I was sentenced to death.
Only true disciples would understand the fine distinction between Yeshua bar Abba (the true Maschiach) and Yeshua bar Abba (better known as “Barrabas”)...child, I am telling you that many individuals will be fooled by a diluted version of me in the last days. A veil of blindness will cover many eyes.
During the days that precede my return, the enemy will send somebody capable of doing miracles, among other great deeds and claiming to be God. The ones who only know me theoretically will be very vulnerable. My sheep, the ones who know my voice cannot be deceived for they actually know who I am.

As for the other ones, I am urging you, call upon my Name and get to know your Savior, because if you fall into the man of sin's claws, it will be too late."

"Lord, my love, I can sense the emergency of your words as a spirit of evil is gaining more and more souls. Please save the ones that can still be saved. Have mercy, dear Lord for the yet unsaved souls.”

"Many individuals wrongly think that reading Scriptures regularly automatically confers Salvation. I'll reiterate it: Scriptures do not save nor does regular attendance to an assembly. Although some so called “ spiritual leaders” will keep them captive by fear, these people ( with a few exceptions) are very far from me. They have no idea about who I am. They have prejudiced opinions about who I should be as well. These people are in great danger, because they proclaim that they are saved because of the Scriptures. However, I am not their personal Savior. So how can they even dare to say that they accessed Salvation? If I came in front of these individuals, asking them: “Who saved you?”, they would reply: “ I am saved because of the Bible...”
If I replied to them: “Your Bible doesn't have any power to save you, only Yeshua can bring you Salvation”, some of them would call me a “demon”.
The Holy Spirit is absent from their souls. I would like to urge them all to get to know me for real, as a person. Once the man of sin will appear with his fake prodigies, it will be far too late.
People have to remember that Scriptural knowledge is nothing. Proficiency creates a vacuum when people accumulate it and don't apply it with their hearts.
I desire humble and thirsty souls, not Scripture parrots.”

As I kept speaking with my Lord, I was transported into a tiny street of Jerusalem. The sun was shining and my feet were making noise while hitting little white stones that were on my way.
I stopped and stood before a pink door. I could see red flowers at the right side of the door. The pink door was beautifully decorated with wrought iron.
My ear then caught the Hebrew word Shaar, which means “door” or “gate”.
Why our Lord had taken me here I was really clueless.
I spoke again to Yeshua in the morning:
"Lord what is the meaning of that pink door I was standing before in Jerusalem?”

Yeshua then replied to me:

Shin is the letter of the Shema. You need an ear to hear. Ayin is the letter for the eye. You need an eye to see. Finally, Resh is the letter of “rosh”. It is the head, the beginning.
Child, you have been praying for me to open you new horizons. Here I am bringing you in front of a door. A new door will open for you.”
Thank you my beloved. Why is the door pink?”
My daughter, pink is not one of your favorite colors, is it?”
No, you are right, Yeshua. Pink is definitely not among my favorite colors.”
The pink color is showing you that the door I am opening will not be opened in a casual way. It will surprise you in many ways.”
Thank you my Yeshua. May my ears be willing to listen and my eyes wide open to see what you prepared for this new beginning.
You are the door, my Yeshua, and I will enter thanks to you. I praise you, my sweet Lord.”

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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