Saturday, March 25, 2017

Moschiach King's love will conquer the world ( from the draft "Figments of Light")

Numerous will they be, assaillants of the face if the earth. Myriads of prideful leaders will want to impose force and terror.
They will blindfold the masses and conduct them to the path of error.
The blind masses will elevate wickedness and hail it ; they will persecute the righteous.
They will be keen on imposing their standards and make them the official norm. When the levels of evilness will be at their apogee, you will notice the satisfactory glance into their soulless eyes.
When the earth will have sunk into total darkness, the artisans of wickedness will shout out in arrogance, praising the dark forces in a sarcastic laughter.

Then silence will be imposed to all from the authority of Heaven.
A huge flash of light will appear in the sky ; the wicked and the humble will both contemplate the Son of Man's Coming in glory.
« Shofars were warning us ; we would not listen », rotten souls will glance at Him in terror, crying for mercy with no intent of Teshuva ( repentance).
Yeshua, the King of glory will discard them.

The glory of the Shekinah will float in the air ; the righteous will acclaim the Master.
Moschiach King's Coming will generate an explosion of light like never before.

It is Shabbat ; I am walking in the street. I have the word « Bereshit » in front of my very eyes. I am playing with the combination of words I already know such as « Berith esh », «  Alliance of fire ». I am asking myself about other possibilities to arrange letters together.
All of a sudden, the expression « Bar Ish » imposes itself to me.
« Bar Ish », is that the equivalent of « Ben Adam » ?
After Shabbat, I am interrogating my computer and the astonishing answer is YES.

Yeshua just showed me that He was hidden in the first word of the Torah.

This revelation is so powerful. In the beginning was the Word. Yeshua, the author of my Salvation, the Living Torah, the Word made flesh unveiled my sight !

Where Yeshua remains, darkness will flee. My soul finds its peace in Him.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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