Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lessons learnt from Na'aman's healing ( 2 Kings 5)

Among many skin diseases, leprosy (tza'arat in Hebrew) was probably one of the worst that could happen to anyone. According to the Torah, you were declared IMPURE if affected by the disease. If you were part of the Community of Israel, a law of quarantine was applied to you.
Na'aman was affected by this disease. The full story is reported in the Second Book of the Kings, Chapter 5. Thanks to his young Israeli captive, his wife's servant, Na'aman would be cured completely.

I recently re-read the full story and our Lord showed me some invaluable teachings about Na'aman's healing.

Beware: pride is your worst enemy

Na'aman expected prophet Elisha to come in person and to act in a certain way regarding his healing. This was probably his personal conception of healing. The general also felt offended because Elisha did not come in person and sent a servant instead to give him some precise instructions about his healing.

I too confess unnecessary pride when expecting healing from our Lord. I do repent of this behavior upon which Yeshua opened my eyes. I am asking Him to forgive me. I am now open to any healing method He may choose for my healing, because, in His immense wisdom, He knows much better.
We must truly learn to let Hashem be Hashem. He is sovereign over ALL type of illnesses and He will choose the healing method that is adapted to your specific case.

Why the Yarden ( Jordan river)?

Genesis 46:4

The choice of the Yarden is very symbolic, as well as number 7 ( seven immersions).
The word Yarden in Hebrew (יַרְדֵּן) contains the root "ירד", to descend. Being immersed is a passing from death to life. Na'aman's immersion is a type of baptism.
The number 7 represents Creation, good fortune and blessing.

Giving up idols

Na'aman's complete healing has some direct consequences in his life:

  • Na'aman recognizes Adonai, the God of Israel as the ONLY God.
  • Na'aman is willing to give up idols
  • Na'aman learns that Hashem's gift is FREE. Elisha refuses any present.

If you have been offered the gift of healing, DO NOT CHARGE PEOPLE, for it is A BIG SIN in Adonai's eyes.

I am not making this up. You are not supposed to make this a business, unless you want to experience Geichazi's punishment!

This is what Yeshua taught: "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received WITHOUT PAYING. Give WITHOUT PAY" Matthew 10:8

Anybody who would charge a healed person would sin greatly and expose himself to divine punishment.

In short, here are important points to remember:

  • Adonai's plan is being accomplished through Na'aman
  • Na'aman's healing and conversion
  • The solution came via an Israeli captive- never underestimate the most humble person's advice
  • let Hashem be Hashem: accept His plan to heal you
  • Do not charge people if you have been granted a healing gift from Above

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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