Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Desert walk ( from the draft "Figments of Light")

« Therefore, I will charm her, and bring her into the desert, and speak tenderly to her heart. » Hosea 2:14

I am the desert walker, the hermit with the thirst of Hashem. When times of drought arise, it feels as if the rain had never existed.
I am the wanderer in the desert, an explorer ; all I have is Hashem.
I look up to the mountains ; where does my help come from ? My help resides in the Name that has been revealed in the burning bush.
My help comes from Hashem, who will become my Yeshua. He will become whom I need Him to become.

I am the desert walker ; Hashem is my only aid.
When my soul finds itself in despair and anguish, I stick to the Name.
I am a loner in the desert in the middle of urban crowds ; I am out of this world and my feather belongs to the Most High.
Whoever is of Hashem understands my words, for the Spirit aligns my letters.

Hashem is teaching me to thank for the night which allows me to appreciate daylight much more.

Hashem is my friend, I don't befriend the world and its customs. I am not a person of compromise.

Hashem is my friend, and I am longing from His love from Above.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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