Tuesday, December 15, 2015

He called me by my Hebrew name, a priceless exerpt of "Heart of a Savior"

As I was walking downtown, probably lost in translation, a sudden wake-up call sounded clearly to my ears: I heard Yeshua call me "Elisheva" as He placed His hand on my heart. In this very moment, my soul and my spirit started shivering. Our Lord's soft, masculine voice has the power to raise the dead, I really felt it within my whole being. 

In this very moment, Yeshua was waking up my true Hebrew "Hashem is my oath" identity. 
I recalled the scenes of Eleazar (Lazarus) being resurrected after four days and Miriam of Magdala at the tomb, meeting her Risen Lord.
The fact that Yeshua knows me by my name is clear evidence, but this kind of deep, godly knowledge overrides what I ever thought before.

My heavenly ID is Elisheva, "Hashem is my oath".

This calling I experienced is so powerful that I could barely transcribe it into earthly words, but it clearly renewed my bond with Yeshua in a much deeper way.
I feel like being part of His tribe, becoming a child of the Hebrews like my Messiah.

Yeshua, I love you even more. You showed me that I am welcome as one of the children of Israel. You gave me my true identity. My rabbi, my love, instruct me. 

Today you parted the Red Sea for me to walk on a dry ground. 

I am now fully one of yours, I can feel it within my soul's inner depths.

" The Holy Spirit is your true home", Yeshua stated to me, as the warmth of His loving presence was spreading to my heart.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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