Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Praying efficiently

You have been praying for months, maybe years and you have the impression to be unheard. God seems so distant, so far away from your life. Nothing seems to happen when you do pray and sometimes you are wondering if the Living God even exists. You have come to a point of discouragement and you want to give up.

Don't worry. I have been there for 49 years of my life...until Yeshua approached me, last year in 2014, at a time I was facing a quite desperate situation.
In my most recent release, An Encounter with Yeshua, I gave my testimony to the world about Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth), our Messiah.

Do not give up, my friends. Change the way you are praying and you will obtain concrete results.

How? Let me enumerate a few points to take into account.

First point: the KEY.

A lot of people in the world are addressing vaguely to some "God", somewhere in the universe without having a clue about who God actually is.

To have access to the Living God, one must know WHO he is praying to.
Yeshua our Messiah is the person who will give you access to Abba, the Father, the God of Israel, revealed in the Bible. Whoever tells you the contrary is lying.
Our Messiah said: "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. NO ONE comes to the Father except through ME." John 14:6

The first thing you will have to do is to invite Yeshua our Messiah into your life. But you will only be able to do so if you sincerely repent of your sins. Sins are the barrier that prevent you from accessing His grace.
Ok, so now we have a starting point! After repenting of your sins, ask Yeshua to become your friend and give Him your heart.

If you are really sincere about your quest, our Lord will give you a new heart and come live inside of you. You will receive His Holy Spirit.
Like in any friendship, you will need to cultivate it and be sincere about it. Yeshua is your best friend. You can trust Him and tell Him anything.

Second point: your motivation in prayer

Before addressing to our Lord, check your motives.

Is your request conform to His Will?
You are, of course, entitled to ask: "how do I know that my request is according to His Will?"
Check His Word. The Bible should be your code of conduct, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Third point: the way you are praying

How do you feel about prayer? Do you feel that it is an annoying obligation or do you rejoice in advance to be able to talk to your best friend?

A lot of people are (wrongly) teaching that you have to bow in a specific way and to adopt specific body postures. None of this is actually true. Ritualized prayer is the contrary of efficient prayer, because it doesn't come from the heart. There is nothing spontaneous in it.
I might shock some of you, but I do not bow, I do not use specific words (with an exception for the Lord's Prayer, Our Father). I speak to my best friend, spontaneously, and I speak to Him anywhere: at home, in public transport, in parks, in the middle of crowds etc...)
One secret that I learnt thanks to the Holy Spirit is continuous prayer. I am permanently connected to my Lord and Savior, any time, night and day.
Believe me, my requests are answered.

You don't have to be at a church or at a synagogue to pray. You can pray anywhere. You don't have to follow corporate models of prayers to speak to Him.

Fourth point: how much determined are you to do His Will?

Be honest in answering this question...are you asking for your own, selfish purposes, or are you determined to do His Will? Does your demand honor our Lord? Will you keep following Him even if He denies your request?

If you answered yes to the two last questions, your request has more chances to be answered.

Proverbs 16:3 says: "Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established."

Fifth point: persistence in prayer

"Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.", says our Lord in Matthew 7:7.

During Summer holidays, a friend of mine was wondering why we always have to insist with God...she found it tiring. I replied to her that this is what faith is about. It is normal that God tests our consistence in prayer.
When I come up with a precise request, I also trust in our Lord's perfect timing. I dare to insist when I really want something.
I am perfectly conscious that my first motivation must ALWAYS be to obey His command. The rest will follow.
You must also be deeply detached from the outcome. Whatever our Lord's answer will be, be in total acceptance of it. Even when He says "no", He has prepared something better for you.

Also remember that all your requests to our Father in Heaven should be made in Yeshua's Name.

You are now ready to pray more efficiently. As you understood it well, your personal relationship with our Lord will determine the outcome of your prayers. Come to Him with a neat heart. Trust Him in all your ways and He will take care of you.

May you all be blessed in abundance. In Yeshua's mighty Name. Amen.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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