Thursday, October 22, 2015

The sight of His wound (second exerpt of my upcoming book, An Encounter with Yeshua, the sequel)

The sight of His wound

Dear Lord, thank you for allowing more closeness between us.”
My wonderful child, I am granting you the requests of your heart. Before your request is on your lips, I already read it from your heart. Child, beloved child, our story is a never-ending love story. Don’t you know it?”
Yes, I know my precious Savior.”

In the darkness of my room, at night, Yeshua’s light was spreading while I was speaking to our precious Lord. Yeshua took my right hand. His hand was in mine, but it started swallowing the sight of my own hand. My eyes saw His wounded palm and wrist. The depth of His wound was visible in clear sight to me. What He showed me increased my love for Him. I was feeling on fire for my beautiful Maker. I spent the next minutes in total awe.
I then remembered I had asked Him, a few months ago, to show me His stigmata.
It is impressing to see His wound of love (It is much wider than what many pictures or paintings show.)
Oh my precious Yeshua, wounded for me, for us, for all and even for the ones who are still spitting at Him!
The power and the beauty of His wonderful love are indescribable.
We are all unworthy such pure love, but He wants us, He cherishes our souls with such intensity, with such depth.
There is no greater expression of love than the fire that emanates from Yeshua’s heart.

Child, you will see more. It is the very beginning of your great adventure. Trust me. Call me. I am here. I love you.”
You know my feather is not even strong enough to describe you my mighty King.”
Yes, my beloved child, but many people will understand who I am thanks to your feather. Remember I am guiding your writings.”

 Copyright© 2015

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