Monday, October 26, 2015

In His overwhelming peace-Another visitation (fifth exerpt of An Encounter with Yeshua, the sequel)

Dear brothers and sisters, I was very blessed today with a short visitation from our Lord. This joy I have in my heart, I want to share with you all. May Yeshua bless you all in abundance:)

"He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me. He will be loved by my Father and I will love him and manifest myself to Him."

John 14:21

After a good night of rest, I woke up with a wonderful sense of peace. Yeshua was welcoming me so warmly in the presence of the Spirit. It was really reassuring after being confronted with people who rejected the Truth.
I knew in this moment that I had made the right choice in obeying Yeshua's command. As I stepped out, Yeshua spoke to me :
« I forgive ignorance, but people have to recover from their ignorance, because there comes a time when it will be too late. »
I looked up to the sun and in this very moment, as I expected it least, the Son of Man was standing here, a few meters above me. His head was covered and He was wearing a white robe. His skin was tan. He was looking at me with a warm smile on His Face. He had pretty much the same appearance that He had on His first visit, in November 2014.
My vision only lasted a few seconds but Yeshua's presence was felt very strong.
Yeshua spoke to me :
« Why are you so surprised to see me, my child ? I am THAT CLOSE to you. You must expect to see me.
Do you remember how many times you requested to see me again, and even in tears ?
Now that I am before you, why are you so much surprised ?
Beloved, you'll see more, gradually. Have trust. I am preparing you. »

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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