Thursday, May 28, 2015

Yeshua’s Mom

The Holy Spirit took me to the Cross again. I could envision Yeshuas Mom. Her pain was impossible to describe. It was like somebody had torn off her heart. Her beloved Son was dying.
I wept in my precious Lord’s arms, admiring the wonderful lady who had accepted to fulfil the Fathers plan and to give us her beloved Son, for our redemption.

From the beginning, she knew that a sword would pierce her soul. Yet she accepted in a heartfelt and sacrificial act of love.

“My dear child, there was nobody like my precious Mom. She was abiding the Laws of my Father.
She taught me, she reminded me of my Heritage. She had a golden heart and she now stays with me in Heaven where I cherish her.
However, I would like to state that people have sinned when making her a female goddess. In no way people are authorized to make her a cult.  The Creator alone must be adored, you know it.
I will destroy the statues and so called “holy images” and my statues as well. I don t tolerate pagan cults. I am very angry about this. I am coming with the Sword of Truth against them.
On the other hand, some arrogant so called Yeshua followers dare to speak in a disrespectful way about the lady who carried me in her womb. I will not permit this. They will get chastisement for their behavior. What do they think? If Miriam was chosen to give birth to somebody pure, wouldn’t she be pure and close to holiness? My Mom has been chosen among all other Jewish ladies, because my Father knew her obedient heart. She has been an obedient servant of the Father all her life. She deserves utmost respect.
People mocking the Holy Spirit will know eternal death. You know it.”

“I know, my precious Lord. Blessed be your Name and blessed be your admirable Mom.”

“Some arrogant people also think they can talk against my burial Shroud. See, this is my imprint, my real Face, not made by human hands. This is the real me. This is the reason why it made you cry when you contemplated it. It is the powerful testimony of my Resurrection for mankind.”
“In your Shroud, my dear Lord, your pure and beautiful soul is reflected.”

© copyright 2015-02-15 08:49:52 

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