Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Crown of Glory

For years I have known about Yeshua’s physical suffering. I have been reciting mechanically “crucified for us under Pilate”. I admit that these were just meaningless words to me before Yeshua became my personal friend.

Now that Yeshua has become my best friend, I understand the meaning of His pain. It is clear to me that each excruciating pain He experienced and each humiliation from men He has done willingly for us all. One must really have a golden heart to undergo all this for our soul’s Salvation.

My beloved is sending me the vision of His crown of thorns, the crown that kept me scared. Nobody likes to see pain. Neither do I. But I face courage and I look at the crown of thorns they have set upon my beloved’s head. Blood spills on His Face. They are hitting my King with a reed, increasing His wounds. His beautiful Face is disfigured, swollen, covered with hematoma.

His enemies are running their mouth and mocking Him with persistence.

My King is suffering so badly. His pure heart is wounded. Tears are running from His cheeks. He is wounded from the inside and the outside. The pain is intense, but He doesn’t open His mouth. He accepts His sentence in silence. His pain becomes an intense supplication to our Father.

Yeshua’s beautiful soul becomes one with the suffering sinners. Our Lord’s humanity is so touching, so heart breaking.

“Oh my beloved, I have your pain before my eyes. Let me crown you with the crown of Glory, my almighty King.”

“My wonderful child, as painful as it was, I cherish this crown of pain. Because I endured with patience, I am now wearing the Crown of Glory. Both are intertwined. You are feeling the wound in my love, don’t you? I humbled myself and the Father elevated me. Therefore anybody who comes before me must be humble.

Humans won’t always treat you fairly. But whatever you endure, think that I have been through intense pain as well. I will get you through any situation. I love you, child, be sure I will never let you down.”

© copyright 2015-02-15 08:49:52 - All Rights Reserved

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