Sunday, July 22, 2018

Tish'a be Av and the Second Coming of our Messiah

Tish'a be Av, (the 9th of Av), is a tragic and significant date in Judaism. On Tish'a be Av, so today, a great majority of Jewish people are mourning the loss of the 1st and the 2nd Temple. Traditionally, it is a day of fasting, during which the Book of prophet Jeremiah  is read.

Each tragic day seems to reverberate a day of elation. Tish'a be Av is also a strong reminder that the third Temple is going to be rebuilt and that the Messiah is going to reign.

However, we need to be very attentive, even to some minor details, because  a lot of people, Jewish and non-Jewish are going to be taken by storm by the arrival of the Messiah.

I'd like to insist once again, although my speech will not sound popular to many, that you must erase your evil inclination such as, just to name a few, addictions of all kind, thoughts of flesh, gross speech, cusswords, envy, aldultery...if these evil inclinations are inside of you, you will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! This is not an assumption, it is written in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 22:15)

Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (Revelation 22:15)

A lot of people are going to be fooled, also, Jews and non-Jews, because Yeshua will not correspond to what they expect.

Yeshua showed me in a vision that I shared in 'An Encounter with Yeshua' that many Gentiles will deny him for being a Jew.
A lot of orthodox Jews will not accept Yeshua either, because of their numerous bias against Him.

However, be attentive to this very truth I have been revealed: no matter if you are Jewish or not, it is  a kosher Yeshua who is coming back!

In the world of Christianity, a lot of people are relying on distorted translations that are completely taken out of their context. Greek philosophy and Hebrew thought do not mix!

In the world of Judaism, some very truths have been hidden over the centuries by corporate rabbinates. Because of the numerous persecutions in the name of 'Jesus', the forced conversions, the 'god killer myth"that is still alive nowadays, the Jewish community did not want to have anything to do with Yeshua. When His Name is mentioned among some Jewish persons, people are getting angry and suspicious. Some very truths have been covered. In the first centuries, ancient rabbis were very clear about the interpretation of Isaiah, chapter 53, for it clearly pointed at the Suffering Messiah.

Moreover, ancient Talmudic writings were very clear about the two characters of the Messiah, ben Yosef, who would face rejection and who would suffer greatly and Messiah ben David who would come to bring peace and to reign.

However, nowadays, there is also a very deceptive info circulating on corporate rabbinates that completely distort both characters. In addition, they are using prophetic verses to confuse people even more.

The Gospel that gives us the more info about Yeshua's return is the Gospel of Matthew.

Precise sign I received from Yeshua on January 2018 ( hold your computer flat and you will see the Son of Man with the crown of thorns)..beware, this personal picture is subject to copyright-please ask before using it.
©2018 Isabelle Esling

It also unveils some precious keys about the when of His Coming ( not the exact date, but an accurate timing of the events that will precede Yeshua's return,

(מתי) , Mattai, is Matthew's shortened name, which also means ' when?'  in Hebrew.

In Matthew, Chapter 24, Yeshua prophesies about the destruction of the second Temple:

'Yeshua went out from the Temple to go on his way, and his disciples approached him to show him the buildings of the Temple. Yeshua answered and said to them ' Do you see all these. Amen, I say to you, there will not remain here one stone upon another that will not be torn down'

Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels Matthew 24.24
ויצא ישוע מין המקדש ללכת לדרכו ויגשו תלמידיו להראותו את בניני המקדש. ויען ישוע ויאומר אליהם הראיתם את כל אלה אמן אומר אני לכם לא תשאר פה אבן על אבן אשר לא תתפרק.

A lot of people do not read Matthew Chapter 24 properly. Therefore, they often object 'Yeshua did a mistake, because He made people believe that He was coming back in the 1st century. Oh its been 2000 years now...maybe Yeshua is not coming back after all...'

A lot of people are also making foolish speculations about a specific year/ come when Yeshua Himself is telling you that He does not know the day or the hour...

Yeshua is mentioning the crazy confusion that will reign at the time of His Second Coming.

I think that we have never had as many Maschiach wannabees than today! A lot of these wannabes also come up with some false, esoteric teaching and are completely ignorant of Scriptures!

There is very much to decipher in the Book of Matthew, but the knowledge of Hebrew will help you understand a few details.
Yeshua is mentioning the winter, probably as a wordplay in Hebrew, in opposition to Summer time, because Summer in Hebrew is קיץ and the end is קץ

The parasha Mikets ( at the end of Times) unveils the reunification between Yosef and his brothers.

A lot of people are stating that Yeshua is not ready to return, because the third Temple hasn't been rebuilt. Be watchful, we are in Messianic times, the countdown has been started a long time ago. Anything can change within the blink of an eye.

Be ready. Make Teshuva (repent). Yeshua is at the door. Do not miss Him.


© 2018 by Isabelle Esling

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