Thursday, February 9, 2017

Five visitations

During the last three years, Yeshua granted me 5 visitations. I am so grateful Yeshua manifested Himself to me. All of His visitations were so short, so sudden and so is very difficult to express these experiences in words, but I summarized them in my three books: An Encounter with Yeshua, An Encounter with Yeshua, the Sequel and Heart of a Savior ( that I completed recently....the book is in the process of being corrected and edited before I send it to my publisher.)

Despite the shortness of Yeshua's visits, I could barely forget our Savior's Face's traits, and more specifically, His smile and the kindness that emanates from His whole being.
Yeshua is love in its purest dimension. Praised be He, forever and ever!

This picture is quite close to the Face I have seen during my first visitation. The second picture corresponds to my second visitation. The only difference is that He was giving me a very warm smile during my two first visitations.

Spiritual sight opening ( First visitation: “An Encounter with Yeshua”)

Yesterday I was just thinking about the testimony of some young guy who was saved in extremis from hell, as he was dying. Yeshua showed up in the last minute, gave him His hand and saved him.
The man also came back to life afterwards and testified about his powerful encounter with our Lord.
I was thinking to myself: “our Lord is indeed very powerful to do such things.”
As this thought crossed my mind, I saw Yeshua standing in front of me, smiling at me. Surprisingly, the sight I had did not come from my eyes…my vision was a little bit blurry, though.
I was feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit very strongly in me.
Yeshua then spoke to me: “My dear child, your eyes aren’t seeing me. This is your soul seeing me.”
Yeshua was teaching me an astonishing new lesson about the spiritual world: our souls do have this wonderful ability to see and identify Him, once the Holy Spirit opens our sight.

Second visitation ( An Encounter with Yeshua, the Sequel)

"He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me. He will be loved by my Father and I will love him and manifest myself to Him."

John 14:21

After a good night of rest, I woke up with a wonderful sense of peace. Yeshua was welcoming me so warmly in the presence of the Spirit. It was really reassuring after being confronted with people who rejected the Truth.
I knew in this moment that I had made the right choice in obeying Yeshua's command. As I stepped out, Yeshua spoke to me :
« I forgive ignorance, but people have to recover from their ignorance, because there comes a time when it will be too late. »
I looked up to the sun and in this very moment, as I expected it least, the Son of Man was standing here, a few meters above me. His head was covered and He was wearing a white robe. His skin was tan. He was looking at me with a warm smile on His Face. He had pretty much the same appearance that He had on His first visit, in November 2014.
My vision only lasted a few seconds but Yeshua's presence was felt very strong.
Yeshua spoke to me :
« Why are you so surprised to see me, my child ? I am THAT CLOSE to you. You must expect to see me.
Do you remember how many times you requested to see me again, and even in tears ?
Now that I am before you, why are you so much surprised ?
Beloved, you'll see more, gradually. Have trust. I am preparing you. »

From "Heart of a Savior"

Yeshua blessed me with a third visitation

Just as I was writing the article about prophets and prophecy, I was blessed with a third visitation from Yeshua. It all happened so fast and unexpectedly...I wasn't supposed to go on with writing after completing my article, but my desire to share Yeshua's love with you all is much greater. This is how Yeshua makes me feel right now: loved beyond measure.

Before speaking about the visitation itself, I'd like to share with you what I experienced this afternoon while walking outside.
I have developed, through the months, a real affection with the Hebrew language. I was drawn to singing the specific verse 5 of Psalm 23, in Hebrew. I repeated the second part of verse 5, while chanting: "dishanta bashemen roshi kossi revaya." (You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows).
I let the words resonate and penetrate deeply into me and a strong vision imposed itself before my eyes: I saw a big cup before my eyes, but it was filled with grape juice. I heard the words: "kossi yeshuati", the cup of my Salvation...It became clear to me that the blessing mentioned in Psalm 23 was intimately linked with our Messiah's sacrifice of love.

I thanked Yeshua, over and over again, for His immense love.

As I went back home, I was pushed to write an article about prophets and prophecy.

While writing it, I intended to make a little pause. I put my hand onto my heart and said:
"Lord, I love you."
I was about to get up from my sofa and glanced upwards. I then saw Yeshua standing above me. This time, our Lord had His hair loose and He was wearing a very white, shiny robe that had a belt on it.

Yeshua was looking at me...I was just in total awe...I then addressed our Lord telepathically: "Lord is this really you?"
Without using His voice, Yeshua answered to me: "my daughter, why are you so surprised again to see me?"

I am feeling so loved and this love I want to share with you.

God bless you all.

Meeting Yeshua’s loving eyes (Heart of a Savior, p. 80)

I had just finished a quite long day. I was about to close my computer and to prepare for the night when I saw Yeshua looking down on me. I just miraculously crossed His glance, in a very natural way. Yeshua our Savior has just allowed me to look into His eyes and my heart was filled with peace. His peace, the Shalom of His Spirit had come down into my soul.
Everything was in order, “beseder”, as the Hebrews would say. I cannot explain this feeling, but bathing into Yeshua’s eyes made everything fall into place.

Today has been a beautiful day, a truth-seeker has just invited Yeshua into his heart. The man was so happy that he wanted to shout out his joy to the whole world! Heaven rejoiced and my magnificent Savior concluded this amazing journey by granting me a deep look into His eyes.

This is now the fourth time Yeshua makes Himself visible to my eyes. I am truly blessed. Although the way He appears to me is very different every time it occurs to me, my soul instantly recognizes the One I love.

There is so much joy and so much peace in Yeshua's wonderful presence.
You might ask what Yeshua resembled this time. I raised my eyes upwards and
my sight was opened. Our Savior was dressed in white and had His dark brown hair loose. But what is really remarkable this time is that I was drawn into his eyes quite immediately. Without trembling, in a very fearless manner, Yeshua let me plunge my eyes into His. I am still unable to define His eye color. All I can say is that our Lord and Savior's eyes look like a deep ocean of kindness.
Looking at Him is the greatest blessing for the soul.
Through His exquisite eyes, I visited the immensity of His heart and for that I am so grateful.

A fifth visitation by our Savior (Heart of a Savior)

Yeshua's visitations are always very unexpected. I was relaxing at home after dinner. I decided to view the “Shalom Aleichem” video I had discovered a few days earlier. This very anointed video made impression on me. While I was listening to the song, my soul went deep into adoration of the Most High.
The second after I raised my head and glanced at the wall.
My eyes contemplated the Face of the King of the Kings whose traits and long hair I could distinguish. Yeshua's head was surrounded with a big halo of light I had never seen before. Yeshua's majesty was summarized in all details of what He let me contemplate of Him.
Holy is our Lord and His holiness is present in each of the visitations He grants me. Oh reader, join me in high praise, as the words flow out of my mouth.
Glory to Yeshua, the King of the Kings, who reigns for ever and ever!”

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling


  1. Please try to contact me via my FB profile. I would like to avoid displaying my email address because of the numerous spammers. Thank you. Blessings, Isabelle


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