Monday, February 20, 2017

Do you know Yeshua and does Yeshua know you? A commentary on Luke 13:22-30, from a Hebrew perspective

"He passed through towns and villages and taught and went on his way to Yerushalayim.
A man asked him, saying: "Our Master, will only a few be saved?". He said to them :" strive to come through the narrow entrance. For I say to you, many will seek to enter, but will not be able. From the day the owner of the house arises and closes the door, you will begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying: "Our Master, open us!"
But he will answer and say to you: "I don't know you, where you are from?"Then you will begin to say: "Did we not eat and drink in your presence, did you not teach in our streets?"
But he will say:" I do not know you. Where are you from? Depart from me, workers of evil!"And there will be wailing and grinding of teeth when you see Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaak'ov and all the prophets in the Kingdom of Heaven, but you will be driven outside.People will come from the East, from the West, from the North and from the South, and they will recline in the Kingdom of God.
Take note: there are some of the last who will be first, and the first who will be last."
Luke 13:22-30

The title of this article will allow you to make some honest introspection about your relationship ( or absence of relationship) with Yeshua.

So let me ask you two very important questions:

-do you know Yeshua? I am not speaking about Scriptural knowledge here. I could never insist enough that meeting Yeshua " figuratively", " through a verse" is NOT knowing Him!
I have been searching Yeshua for 49 years, but until He encountered my path, back in 2014, I had no idea about WHO Yeshua actually was. Most of my beliefs were conditioned by some assumptions about who Yeshua might be, but they had no real foundation. I knew that Yeshua was kind, but at the time, I was avoiding coming too close to Him, because I feared His judgment. I knew that I hadn't always done good in my life and didn't want His Command upon me. In short, I didn't want Yeshua to have total control of my life...
To be sure that you actually know Yeshua our Lord, you MUST have experienced Him. I am not saying that everybody will be given the same manifestations our Messiah granted me. Each relationship with Yeshua is different and He will manifest Himself to you in a way you can bear-given the condition that you truly do have a relationship with Him.
To be able to encounter Yeshua, you MUST repent of your sins.
The same rule prevails for Jew and Gentile, king or tramp. Make sure that you made a sincere Teshuva before Him!

The second very important point is that, having done your Teshuva ( repentance), you will be willing to correct your ways and give up sinning ( no matter how gradually you are doing it, as long as you show good will before our Messiah).

- so now my second question is: does Yeshua know you? 

Yeshua states:

"My Tzon ( flock) hear my voice and I have daas ( daath=knowledge in Hebrew) of them and they follow me. And I give them Chayyei Olam (Eternal Life) and they will never perish- and no one will snatch them out of my hand." John 10-27-30

Some people may burst out in laughing and tell me: "Of course Yeshua knows me. He knows everybody intimately."
Yes, this is actually true.
But does Yeshua know you in the sense that He actually recognizes you as a TRUE and COMMITTED disciple?
This is where you have to be checking seriously the very core of your motivations! Be honest with yourself. It is never too late to adjust your ways.

The ones Yeshua has a true knowledge of are the ones who LISTEN to His voice!
Listening to Yeshua's voice is obeying His Command.

Whose voice are you listening too? Whose teachings is your ear attentive to?
Is your heart filled with kindness?

Note that in Luke Chapter 13, Yeshua makes a clear mention of the Patriarchs and of the Prophets. This is no coincidence.
The path we are supposed to walk can be found in Torah and all over the Tanach. The Patriachs and the Prophets are our models of a walk in humbleness before Hashem.
Which kind of teachings are you attentive to? Yeshua's teachings are all from the Torah and you are meant to rely on HIM, not on doctrines of men!

Yeshua's grace is immense and He will forgive you when you are acting out of ignorance.
However, once you start having conscience of the truth and of the path you are supposed to walk on, you will be judged more severely if you depart from it.

On a final note, I would like to warn each and everyone to heed a very comforting and diluted version of Yeshua. Yeshua is forgiving, but He is not complacent with sin. Anybody telling you the contrary is LYING to you.

I am about to release "Heart of a Savior" very soon. This book has been written in a prophetic way under Yeshua's supervision. In my latest book Yeshua is warning everybody of tools of mass deception. Many false teachers will attempt to mislead the masses. Have your eyes on Yeshua ONLY. Follow him ONLY!

The most important prerequisites to be a TRUE disciple is to be loving and kind AND to OBEY Yeshua's Command. Yeshua's Command resides within the Torah.
If Yeshua's Spirit resides within you, you will be guided in truth.

May Yeshua, Moschiach King, have mercy upon the lost and guide His flock always!
May He bring as many as possible to Teshuva and to Salvation.


Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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