Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lessons learnt in times of testing and trouble

If you are going through troubled times, this article is meant to be an encouragement.

Keep your head up! 

It is commonly thought that, if you are a disciple of Yeshua, you are meant to be suffering. This is wrongly being taught in many assemblies. If you believe this, you ought to know that it is not even biblical! Facing trouble is one thing-suffering is truly YOUR choice. I mean, you are entirely responsible on how you react to an event. Of course, you may be sad and cry at times, but in NO WAY, you are meant to be sad all the time. This is definitely not the right attitude in front of Hashem.

The very truth is that you are meant to walk in joy and gratitude AT ALL TIMES!

Psalm 86 states:

"Make glad the soul of yout servant. For to you, o Lord, I will lift up my soul" Psalm 86:4

During each time of trouble and testing, you are meant to advance in joy and gratitude, rather than in complaints!

Pay attention to the following points

  • If you want to be a true disciple, you must prepare your heart to be tested. Your life will not be sugarcoated 24/7. 
  • Yeshua loves you. Yes, He truly loves you like nobody else. However, if you want to follow Him, be prepared to live on the edge, very often. This is how your faith will come out purified and stronger.
  • The zone of darkness you are going through, Yeshua has been there already.  Remember " Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me." (Psalm 23:4). Yeshua is WITH YOU.
  • God's miracles and might are manifested in times of trouble. Joy and praise are speeding up your deliverance. They are the expression of true faith. Faith and joy go hand in hand together. 

Give glory to Hashem. Keep praising the Lord Almighty. Remember that even Job, when he was plagued with all kinds of illnesses and hardships, refused to put any blame upon Hashem's holy Name. Job always spoke rightly of God, at all times.

Whatever you may face, remember that Hashem has a plan.
Expose Him your feelings, your discouragement, your sadness, but then come back to glorifying and praising His holy Name!

May Yeshua our Messiah help you keep up the right spirit of joy within your soul.
Remember: Yeshua overcame the world for you. His Resurrection makes you victorious.

Here is a video that will cheer you up and lift up your soul.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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