This is the story of my Salvation and my testimony to the world that Yeshua is alive.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Upcoming book sheds light on the heart of our Savior
The beautiful heart of our can I describe the indescribable? How is it possible to paint a place so beautiful, so pure, so wonderful and so powerful that it erases all kind of hatred instantly?
Yeshua made it possible through my feather. Please do not misunderstand me: I don't pretend to know everything about Yeshua. The content I am sharing with all of you through my feather is the little portion of light from an infinite heart that our Savior knows I can bear daily...
Meeting our great Lord and Savior is a very intense and emotional experience. It is approaching the very Source of life and love...meeting Yeshua won't leave anybody indifferent. An encounter with Him will always change your life. It will transform the very depths of your inner being.
Lending Yeshua my feather has been such an exciting adventure, but also a test of faith. Put yourself in the skin of a writer: imagine that you have no control of your future story and that you have to trust that each page will be filled day after day anyway...imagine that Yeshua has already created the story for you and all you have to do is to leave Him total direction of everything. It can be challenging when you are a decisions maker and you like to plan, format and structure your story in advance...
If you are familiar with An Encounter with Yeshua and An Encounter with Yeshua the Sequel, the third book, "Heart of a Savior", that is still in the works, will probably amaze you.
Yeshua chose the title "Heart of a Savior". Our Lord gave me many beautiful insights about His beautiful heart and granted me some prophetic visions about events to come.
I have 120 pages ready so far. I promise to keep you updated as soon as the third part of my Yeshua trilogy will be ready.
One more encouragement I would like to add, for all of you: remember that Yeshua is NEVER FAR from you.
If you are feeling that He is distant, sin is the only element that separates you from Him. If you are willing to bring Him a sincere Teshuva, He'll always come close to you.
Yeshua's heart is full of empathy for anybody- regardless of who you are and where you are standing. Come to Him and He'll take care of you.
Copyright© by Isabelle Esling
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