Thursday, February 25, 2016

His Name written in the clouds (from "Heart of a Savior")

“Come to me, all of you, who are burden and weary, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

I am like all of you, my friends, my brothers and sisters. I have my moments of joy and my moments of discouragement (even if they are quite rare, they do occur).

Today I’ve been experiencing a little moment of sadness. The impression of carrying a big plight was physical and moral at the same time.
My Lord was talking to me and let me know that everything He could handle for me. But my discouragement went on and I kept walking through the streets.
On my way to return home, I looked up at the sky and I couldn’t believe the sight that my eyes were catching: on a white cloud, the Name of Yeshua was written in black letters. As I kept glancing at my amazing vision, the Hebrew letters turned into occidental alphabet and I could read: “Yeshua” once again, very clearly, as the black letters were very contrasting as opposed to the white clouds.
Yeshua was showing me His presence to comfort me. I thought again about my article about the Book of Daniel, chapter 5 and I realized how much I was lacking faith.
My Lord so magnificent was control and would help me, regardless of the current situation. How could I have doubted my beloved, once again?

“My precious child, you know me, but sometimes you are clueless about the very depths of my heart. When your heart is feeling heavy, it affects me. Your feelings, your thoughts are transparent in front of me. Although human problems look tiny in my eyes and are mostly time-related, your perception of things gets me involved in solving your problem.
I never write history without the participation of human beings. Therefore, my heart perceives the way you are hurting. Child, I feel deep empathy for all of you. But I don’t intervene when people keep blaming me for their problems.
My blessings I pour on grateful hearts, so their joy is perfect."

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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