Sunday, January 3, 2016

Teach your children to follow the Lord before they follow the world

I posted the video of a 2 year old boy clapping hands and raising his hands to the sky as a praise music was playing in the background. A two year old praising the Lord, isn't that wonderful?

I noticed, while reading the comments on You Tube, that the video received positive appreciations.
A few people, though, criticized it as "Christian indoctrination".
I'd like to address to all the blatant atheists or to the people who slated this beautiful video: so you really prefer your own child being influenced by evil minion  cartoons and other devilish media?
Some of you would rather let them make their first steps with a distorted basis, calling good "evil" and evil "good"?

Our Lord has a message for such kind of people:

"These little ones believe in me. it would be best for the person who causes them to lose faith to be drowned in the sea with a large stone hung around his neck" Matthew 18:6 (God's Word translation)

To the ones who accuse the parents to "indoctrinate" kids who will "mimick any type of behavior anyway", the Bible encourages parents to show their children the right way. So parents walking in truth are right to do so.

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it". (Proverbs 22:6)

Wake up, you haters: either you are teaching your children about righteousness or you'll have to face the consequences, sooner or later. If you can't be a model of a Lord fearing person who walks in righteousness and gentleness, your child will be overwhelmed with society's evil manners.
Which kind of future adults do you intend to raise? Selfish, arrogant, evil-ridden, or responsible, God and neighbor loving individuals? The choice is all yours.

But know that, before our Lord you will be accountable for the type of values you have transmitted to your children. It doesn't matter if you believe in Him or not. Someday you will stand before Him and He will remind you of your selfishness.

I wish I had spent more time encouraging my own children to praise our wonderful Lord of glory.

I will boldly claim with the Psalmist: "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord".

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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