Wednesday, September 9, 2015

An Encounter with Yeshua, reviewed by Donna Kshir

Read Donna s original article here.

I first met 9x author Isabelle Esling back in early 2005. She was a young, inspiring writer at The Eminem Blog. She immediately caught my attention. She had a passion for hip hop / rap music. As far back as I can remember she was enthusiastic about Eminem and the Detroit Rap Scene, and her interviews and music reviews were captivating; grabbing her readers attention.

In 2012, Amber Communications Group, Inc. released Isabelle's first book, "EMINEM and the Detroit Rap Scene: White Kid in a Black Music World." Many reviewers expected the book to be nothing more than a well documented biography of the rapper's life. Many reviewers refused to believe anyone could connect with the Detroit ghetto, its artists or the journey of a young, struggling artist with a dream to one day sit on top the rap throne, but Isabelle did just that. She gave her readers a level of access to Eminem that I feel no other journalist has began to come close to. Her insight alone gave the book credibility, but she dug much deeper showing readers how Eminem and the Detroit Rap Scene impacted our American culture; taking the reader deep into the heart of the Detroit ghetto long before the rapper was a superstar.

A year after her first release, Isabelle's life took a dramatic change. She was going through a painful situation and it left her feeling helpless, sick and humiliated. She then began to concentrate on positive thinking and it impacted her inner and outer world. She created and set goals that later became a strong, but positive force. The writer never expect Yeshua to come into her life and help her, but He did. It forever changed her life.

Today, Isabelle is a changed woman with a stronger more positive outlook on life. She has a relationship with Yeshua that many people will never have or begin to understand. A relationship that is based and built on unconditional love.

The author's personal journey is very real and life altering. Her story will touch your heart and enter deep into your soul in ways words inadequately describe. This book shares both an incredible and amazing journey, but a POWERFUL testimony to the love, grace, mercy and forgiveness that will unlock one's heart and open their eyes to the TRUTH like never before. I highly recommend this book to all.

Northern Books invites you to share in Isabelle's life-changing encounter. "An Encounter With Yeshua" is available in paperback and digital formats. Currently Northern Books is offering a free eBook download at their online bookstore.

Northern Books was created by a group of Amazon and Barnes & Nobles bestselling authors; Donna M. Kshir, Laurie Ann Smith - Tornerup and Lee Roberts for independent writers to share their writing focusing on topics such as commercial fiction, children's books, cookbooks, mystery, romance, pop culture, musical expression, health, wellness, fitness and spiritual books.

For more on our services and/or authors, visit their website.

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