To all persons of good will: your help is needed.
I am addressing to all of you who are currently reading or who have read "An Encounter with Yeshua" book needs reviews on the media that exposes it, especially Lulu com and amazon you know, the aim of this book is to reach out to many souls for them to get saved and discover our Lord's kindness...helping me out is helping out for our Lord's kingdom. I would also appreciate, especially if you are having a writing or journalistic background if you could help with some more exposure...many thanks in our Lord and Savior bless you all in abundance:)
Your grateful author,
Isabelle Esling
This is the story of my Salvation and my testimony to the world that Yeshua is alive.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
The Suffering Messiah in Yom Kippur prayers
Please understand that Yeshua our Messiah is never far from His people.
Read this article carefully and you will understand.
Read this article carefully and you will understand.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The woman at the well: an extraordinary encounter with Yeshua
Yeshua often came and comes to people when they expect Him least.
Our Lord doesn't have prejudiced views about individuals, or what they have done in their lives.
He looks at a person's inside, as He can read the heart.
The way He visited this foreign woman from Samaria was probably even more shocking than we can imagine. First of all, one must consider that the Samaritans have always been despised by Jewish people. Both communities had no contact with each other.
Yeshua's disciples were probably quite shocked to see their Master speak with a woman who moreover, was a Samaritan.
The Gospel of John is, as far as I am concerned, the most beautiful version of the Good News. It is also the most complex one, because its reading will require the reader to decrypt several layers of reading. The help of the Holy Spirit makes it possible.
So here is Yeshua, quite exhausted from his long walk, sitting at the well. The Samaritan woman is just doing an ordinary, daily task. She wants to draw water. The reader must take note that the well the Gospel refers about is not an ordinary one. It is the well that Patriarch Jacob has given to his son Joseph.
She intends to ignore the Jewish person sitting here, but Yeshua addresses to her, surprisingly asking her : « Give me a drink... »
The first thing the Samaritan woman answers is : «
"You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink ? "
She ment, " we are not supposed to on earth can you ask me ? "
This part is also an invitation for all of us to stop judging on the external characteristics of a person. Recognize our Lord when He visits you.
Yeshua speaks a spiritual language with the Samaritan woman. She does not understand Him at first, because her interpretation is very down to earth.
" If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. "
It is hard to figure out who is asking her for a drink.Yeshua truly is the gift of God speaking to her. But what is this « living water » He is talking about ?
The Living Water is the Sacred Breath, the Holy Spirit that is freely given to anybody who accepts Yeshua as their Messiah.
« If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. »
The Samaritan woman's spiritual sight opens progressively. She realizes that the One who is speaking with her might be greater than the Patriarchs. He doesn't seem to be an ordinary man :
“You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”
Yeshua's subtle, spiritually two-layered answer, allows Him to slowly remove the veil from her eyes :
“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Not only is Yeshua greater than the Patriarchs and prophets, He can grant eternal life.
He creates a thirst in His speaking partner's soul who has a partial understanding of His words :
“Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirstyand have to keep coming here to draw water.”
The prophetic dimension of her encounter is unveiled as Yeshua reveals her intimate details about her life.
How would you react if an unknown man, seemingly coming out of nowhere, told you about very intimate details of your life? For sure, you'd call him a prophet.
The Samaritan woman has a good Scriptural knowledge. She knows that the Messiah of Israel has been announced :
« I know that Messiah is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us. »
However there is always a huge difference between Scriptural knowledge and spiritual experience : in fact, it is the gap separating dead Scriptures from the Living Word.
Yeshua eventually reveals to the Samaritan woman who He actually is :
« I, the one speaking to you-I am he. »
Thanks to her testimony, many Samaritans would believe.
I would like to encourage any of you who had powerful encounters with Yeshua our Messiah to be bold enough to give your testimony. Thanks to your words, videos, books, and other kind of testimony, you will plant seeds for more souls to access Salvation.
Our Messiah promised to anybody who believes in Him that he will receive the gift of the Living Water.
« Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of Living Water will flow from them. »
John 7:38
Be thirsty and with joy you will draw water from the springs of Salvation (Isaiah 12:3)
copyright 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
An encounter with Yeshua: Author shares her life-changing encounter with Yes...
An encounter with Yeshua: Author shares her life-changing encounter with Yes...: My fello friend and author Donna Kshir interviewed me recently. Read the original article from the Examiner. I recently had the ...
Author shares her life-changing encounter with Yeshua
My fello friend and author Donna Kshir interviewed me recently. Read the original article from the Examiner.
The author wrote about her personal journey and the life altering changes it had on her. Her story is touching in ways words inadequately describe. Her story is a POWERFUL testimony to the love, grace, mercy and forgiveness that will unlock one's heart and open your eyes to the TRUTH like never before. She has a relationship with Yeshua that many people will never begin to understand.
Read my full review: An Encounter With Yeshua.
Last evening, I had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Isabelle. I invite you to share in Isabelle's personal journey; looking into her heart and soul to give you a better understanding of her relationship with Yeshua.
D.K.- Tell me a bit about yourself?
I.E. - I am a trilingual author of 9 published books so far. I also spent a decade as a music journalist. I used to be a huge fan of Eminem and the Detroit rap scene.
D.K. - After spending so much time in/with the Detroit rap scene was it easy for you to walk away from the artists and that lifestyle?
I.E. - Well…it became easy when I realized that the lyrics I kept repeating had a negative impact on my subconscious mind. It became clear to me that I had to do something in order to bring more positivity into my life.
D.K.- Was the transition hard?
I.E. - After all the rap scene is a pretty intense lifestyle. No…not really. I wanted to concentrate on positive thinking and impact my inner and outer world. I changed my goal that became being a positive force for all the people around me (and in the virtual world as well.) So I worked on myself harder.
D.K. - What changed your outlook?
I.E. - I wanted to get out of this childish teenage rebellion and enjoy life. I wanted to rejoice and enjoy life’s very simple pleasures. I also wanted to help others be more positive.
D.K. - Do you see the rap scene ever having importance in your life again?
I.E. - I don’t think so. It came clear to me that these people are “golden calves”. Most people put them all on a pedestal, but I think that they are a trap to the youth and to adult people.
D.K. - As you were once a huge fan of rapper Eminem, what changed your prospective on him as an artist and in his personal life? His bouts with violence, race and domestic violence?
I.E. - No. It goes further than this. My eyes also opened about Eminem's will to serve evil things and his evolution into mostly satanic rituals like in the 3 AM video during which he takes a blood bath. A lot of people are not aware of the master he is serving, neither was I in the past.
D.K. - Who published your recent release?
I.E. - Northern Books published my 9th opus.
D.K. - Do you look forward to working with this company again? And what's the process for writers who want to get published?
I.E. - Oh yes. I am happy with the help and support I received from this company. If I could give an advice to aspiring writers, I would tell them: “After your writing and editing work, break your head over your query letter and spend time choosing a good publisher. Rather choose a small publisher than a big one when you are starting in the business. It increases your chances to get published. Also have a precise idea about your audience and find efficient ways to market your books, because, most of the time, traditional publishers will not do much for your publicity.”
D.K. - Have you always believed in Yeshua?
I.E. - Yes. I have always believed in Him, since my early childhood. I think I have always loved Him. But I had no clue about how to access Him. It has been a lifelong search. In the end, He found me and this is the beautiful thing about it. Yeshua, in His immense kindness, came to me…
D.K. - What was the changing point in your life when you found Yeshua?
I.E. - I was going through a painful life situation. I felt helpless, sick and humiliated. I didn’t expect Him to help me. I wasn’t even thinking about Him. He used the internet to catch my attention. I would like to tell anybody reading this interview: He can do anything. He can help you out of any situation. Do not fear Him, He is very compassionate.
D.K. - Have you found speaking of Yeshua to be an easy task or have you discover many unbelievers/ haters along the way?
I.E. - From people who started reading or who have read the book, I received real positive feedback. I have met a few unbelievers on my way. But they haven’t read the book. I have also met some mean haters who commented on social media. I just pray that one day their eyes will be opened to the Truth.
D.K. - What is one thing you want each reader to walk away with from your book?
I.E. - Yeshua is love. Come to Him as you are and let Him guide your path. Our Lord loves you all. He wants the friendship with you all. He knows your personal situation. He can heal you and He can solve any problem that oppresses you. All He is asking for is for you to repent of your sins and then come to Him. Give Him your heart, because nobody will ever love you like that.
D.K. - Reading your book I could feel the love you have for Yeshua. I almost felt like I was reading a love story. Can you explain your dedication and love for Yeshua?
I.E. - He loved me first. I think this sentence says it all. I have been approached by the very Source of love…and I fell in love with Yeshua. I decided to give Him my life and to let Him conduct it. His love is just overwhelming.
D.K. - With so many doubters of faith has your journey been an easy one?
I.E. - There will always be doubters. Yeshua is the One who increases my faith daily. I do pray that doubters will recover from their current blindness and open up to Yeshua.
D.K. - Do you see another book of Yeshua in the future?
I.E. - If our Lord agrees, certainly, yes.
D.K. - Who inspired you to write such a beautiful tribute to Yeshua?
I.E. - Let me tell you that that everything about this book is extraordinary. First, I didn’t plan to write it. I was working on very different literary subjects when Yeshua came to me. After being saved, I spent 3 weeks in prayer, asking our Lord: “dear Lord, you know that I am a writer, I would love to write about you, but in a way that fully represents you.” I kept insisting. One evening, I wrote 9 pages without disruption. I then understood that He had granted my request. The person directing this book is Yeshua Himself, from the beginning to the end. Therefore I would like to give Him all the glory. I would also tell my readers that I am not advertising any church or synagogue. The only person I would like to advertise is Yeshua. Also my deepest motivation is to allow more persons to know His wonderful person.
D.K. - Do you fear what unbelievers will think? Why should I fear their opinion?
I.E. - You can reject the truth or negate it, it remains the truth. I will stand courageously for Yeshua, for He paid a high price for my Salvation.
D.K. - Do you ever think of your old lifestyle? And the many people who were a part of your life?
I.E. - I barely think about it and I don’t regret it. I used to be in prison( a life of sin is like being in jail) and now I am free. I do think about some people that I have known in the past and I do pray for them.
D.K. - If you could thank one person for their support who would it be and why?
I.E. - First I would like to thank Yeshua, for His love endures forever. Thank you so much for this beautiful adventure. Second, I would like to thank all the Northern Books team: Donna M. Kshir, Lee Roberts and Laurie Ann Smith (Tornerup). Thank you so much for your support and encouragements all the way.
D.K. - What's next for you and your journey?
I.E. - I am working on a small project and I will see where it leads me. With our Lords’ help, I’d love to visit the Holy Land in the future.
Northern Books invites you to share in Isabelle's life-changing encounter. "An Encounter With Yeshua" is available in paperback and digital formats. Currently Northern Books is offering a free eBook download at their online bookstore.
Fore more on Isabelle, her books or journey visit her website.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
An Encounter with Yeshua, reviewed by Donna Kshir
I first met 9x author
Isabelle Esling back in early 2005. She was a young, inspiring writer at The
Eminem Blog. She immediately caught my attention. She had a passion for hip hop
/ rap music. As far back as I can remember she was enthusiastic about Eminem and
the Detroit Rap Scene, and her interviews and music reviews were captivating;
grabbing her readers attention.
In 2012, Amber
Communications Group, Inc. released Isabelle's first book, "EMINEM and the
Detroit Rap Scene: White Kid in a Black Music World." Many reviewers
expected the book to be nothing more than a well documented biography of the
rapper's life. Many reviewers refused to believe anyone could connect with the
Detroit ghetto, its artists or the journey of a young, struggling artist with a
dream to one day sit on top the rap throne, but Isabelle did just that. She
gave her readers a level of access to Eminem that I feel no other journalist
has began to come close to. Her insight alone gave the book credibility, but
she dug much deeper showing readers how Eminem and the Detroit Rap Scene
impacted our American culture; taking the reader deep into the heart of the
Detroit ghetto long before the rapper was a superstar.
A year after her first
release, Isabelle's life took a dramatic change. She was going through a
painful situation and it left her feeling helpless, sick and humiliated. She
then began to concentrate on positive thinking and it impacted her inner and
outer world. She created and set goals that later became a strong, but positive
force. The writer never expect Yeshua to come into her life and help her, but
He did. It forever changed her life.
Today, Isabelle is a
changed woman with a stronger more positive outlook on life. She has a
relationship with Yeshua that many people will never have or begin to
understand. A relationship that is based and built on unconditional love.
The author's personal
journey is very real and life altering. Her story will touch your heart and
enter deep into your soul in ways words inadequately describe. This book shares
both an incredible and amazing journey, but a POWERFUL testimony to the love,
grace, mercy and forgiveness that will unlock one's heart and open their eyes
to the TRUTH like never before. I highly recommend this book to all.
Northern Books invites
you to share in Isabelle's life-changing encounter. "An Encounter With
Yeshua" is available in paperback and digital formats. Currently Northern
Books is offering a free eBook download at their online bookstore.
Northern Books was
created by a group of Amazon and Barnes & Nobles bestselling authors; Donna
M. Kshir, Laurie Ann Smith - Tornerup and Lee Roberts for independent writers
to share their writing focusing on topics such as commercial fiction, children's
books, cookbooks, mystery, romance, pop culture, musical expression, health,
wellness, fitness and spiritual books.
For more on our
services and/or authors, visit their website.
Monday, September 7, 2015
The original Jewish Aramaic Our Father
Listen to these interesting insights about the prayer Yeshua taught us all:)
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Praying "Our Father"
A few
reflections on the Lord’s Prayer.
אָבִינוּ שֶׁבַּשָׁמַיִם
יִתְקַדֵשׁ שִׁמךָ:
תָּבא מַלְכוּתֶךָ
יֵעָשֶׂה רְצוֹנְךָ בָּאָרֶץ כַּאֲשֶר נַעֲשָׂה בַשָמַיִם:
תֶן לָנוּ הַיּוֹם
לֶחֶם חֻקֵּנוּ:
וּסְלַח לָנוּ
אֶת אַשְׁמָתֵנוּ כַּאֲשֶׁר סלְחִים אַנַחְנוּ לַאֲשֶׁר אָשְׁמוּ לָנוּ:
לִידֵי מַסָּה כִי אִם-הַצִילֵנוּ מִן-הָרָע:
כִּי לְךָ הַמַּמְלָכָה
וְהַגְּבוּרָה וְהַתִפְאֶרֶת לְעוֹלְמֵי עוֹלָמִים אָמֵן:
shebashamayim, yitkadash shemekha.
malkhutekha ye’aseh r’tsonekha
ka’asher na’asah vashamayim.
Ten-lanu haiyom
lechem chukeinu.
ka’asher solechim
anachnu la’asher ashmulanu.
lidei massah,
ki im-hatsileinu
Ke lakha,
hamamlakha, vehageverah, veha tiferet l’olemei ‘olamim.
Hebrew /
Transliteration / Translation
אָבִינוּ שֶׁבַּשָׁמַיִם
יִתְקַדֵשׁ שִׁמךָ:
shebashamayim, yitkadash shemekha.
Our father
in heaven hallowed be thy name
תָּבא מַלְכוּתֶךָ
יֵעָשֶׂה רְצוֹנְךָ בָּאָרֶץ כַּאֲשֶר נַעֲשָׂה בַשָמַיִם:
malkhutekha, ye’aseh r’tsonekha ba’arets ka’asher na’asah vashamayim.
Let Thy
kingdom come, let be done thy will as on earth (so as) in heaven
תֶן לָנוּ הַיּוֹם
לֶחֶם חֻקֵּנוּ:
Ten-lanu haiyom
lechem chukeinu.
Give us
this day our daily bread.
וּסְלַח לָנוּ
אֶת אַשְׁמָתֵנוּ כַּאֲשֶׁר סלְחִים אַנַחְנוּ לַאֲשֶׁר אָשְׁמוּ לָנוּ:
et-ashmateinu ka’asher solechim anachnu la’asher ashmulanu.
And forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
לִידֵי מַסָּה כִי אִם-הַצִילֵנוּ מִן-הָרָע:
lidei massah, ki im-hatsileinu min-hara.
And lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
כִּי לְךָ הַמַּמְלָכָה
וְהַגְּבוּרָה וְהַתִפְאֶרֶת לְעוֹלְמֵי עוֹלָמִים אָמֵן:
Ke lakha,
hamamlakha, vehageverah, veha tiferet l’olemei ‘olamim.
For thine
is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Credit to the following website for the Hebrew part of the prayer.
Father” is often referred to as our Lord’s Prayer and also as the disciples’
Yeshua gave
it to us as the prayer by excellence. He pointed out that we don’t know how to
pray properly.
Yeshua is
our intercessor, the very person who gives us access to the Father. Thanks to
Yeshua, our Messiah, we are allowed to call Him Abba, Father.
Some people
do not necessarily find it easy to address our Father, often because of
conflictual, familial situations of our past. The father figure that displays
in front of us as dictatorial, authoritarian or harmful, depending on the
relationship we’ve had with our earthly father.
But we
should envision that our Father in Heaven is perfect and pure love. He loved us
so much that He sacrificed Yeshua for our Salvation. Our Father in Heaven
cherishes us and He wants us to sit on His lap like little children. To be
close to Him, you must be child-like.
Think of
His love and let His light shine upon you.
-in Heaven:
there are so many naïve depictions of Heaven, but one must see Heaven as a
dimension of perfect love, light and purity.
First of
all, we must think of sanctifying His Name of glory, because He is the Source
of all blessings.
Then we
should pray for His Kingdom to be established. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth
is characterized by love and healing. Each time we are saying this sentence
consciously, we are announcing and speeding up Yeshua’s return.
Your will
be done on earth as in heaven: why should we want Our Father’s will to be accomplished?
We should,
simply because it is good and perfect, even when we are unable to envision it.
We should always ask to be our Creator’s instrument.
Let us call
for His justice to be done in heaven and on earth.
Now that we
have requested the most important, we can ask for our Creator to provide for
us. One Hebrew version I know says: “give us today our portion of bread". It is
very important to have in mind that our worries should never exceed the present
day: we will be provided with the right portion for today. Tomorrow will take
care of itself.
is a point many people stumble upon. But forgiveness is essential if we want to
be forgiven of our own sins and wrongdoings. Fully forgive and be free.
are the worldly temptations, especially in our contemporary world. Temptations might come in various forms. Ask
Him to protect you. Abide in Him, be filled with the Spirit and you will be
armed to resist against all evil.
Have faith
in Him and He will deliver you from the evil one, the enemy.
To our
Lord, the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.
Remember to
say “Our Father” as a heartfelt prayer. Think of each word while uttering it.
Yeshua and
the Father are One, and I am deeply convinced that talking to Yeshua is talking
to Abba.
May He
bless you in abundance. Remain in His love and light.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
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