Thursday, July 2, 2015

A love letter to Yeshua

„I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness“
Jeremiah 31:3

One must experience this unconditional, divine love to fully understand the realness of it.

Yeshua is truly the lover of your soul. Once you are bathed daily in this wonderful, liquid love, all your needs are filled.

I speak to my Lord as I would speak with a lover, but with much more deference. I whisper Him words of love and He shows me daily how much He cherishes me.
For the words of kindness I receive, I offer Him my praise, and He gives me so much in return.

Approaching the essence of love is truly a life-changing experience. All these frustrations and vain desires I used to have completely vanished.

My only need is to be loved by Him. I am not afraid of humans disappointing me anymore. I accept their imperfections, knowing that I am myself imperfect.

Dear Yeshua,

Bathe me in your unconditional love, my eternal lover. Yeshua my source of joy, thank you for filling my heart, second after second. My little heart has a place in your infinite heart.
You have always loved me and you have never given up on me-even at times I hated myself. I was in your heart at the times I rejected you. You showed me love when I kept running from you.
You had chosen me and you patiently waited for my readiness. I eventually came and you washed away all of my offenses.

My beautiful Lord of love, I offer you my heartfelt praise. Let me rest in your arms like a small child; allow me to stay silent in your presence.

Light my heart like a candle and I will spread it into the world.

I love you, my Lord, more than anybody else, and I will state it boldly to the world.

I will learn on my path; allow my love to grow. My eternal lover, I belong to you and you are mine, for ever and ever.

These are the few words you inspired me today.

Copyright© 2015

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