Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Messiah in disguise: parashat Vayigash to greater depths

Last year, I reflected on parashat Vayigash and Yeshua's return. The insights I found made it clear to me that Yeshua HAS to return and confront His Jewish brothers until He reconciles with them.
They first need to fully realize what happened when Yeshua came as one of their peers, how He was treated by a corrupt Sanhedrin and WHY this was HaShem's WILL.

Then His brothers will lament, as announced in Zechariah Chapter 12, verse 10:

"And I will pour upon your Bais ( House) of David and upon the inhabitants of Yerushalayim, the Ruach (Spirit) of Chen (grace) and Tachanunim ( supplications for grace) and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced ( dakar in Hebrew= pierce through)-ref: Yeshayah Isaiah 53:5 (Targum Hashivim); Tehilim ( Psalms) 22:17) and they shall mourn for Him ( Moschiach) as one mourns for his yachid ( only son) and they shall grieve in bitterness for his bechor (first born)." Zechariah 12:10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

Yeshua, a 'goy' to the Jews

To many Jewish people, Yeshua is like Joseph in Egyptian clothes. The many distortions our Messiah underwent because of added lies and mistranslations, from original Hebrew originals ( we can assume that these original exist and have probably been hidden very carefully because of the numerous persecutions Yeshua's first disciples were facing from many sides- people who studied the oldest versions of the Gospels in greek all came to the conclusion that the Greek used in the Gospels was poor Greek and that the thinking emanated from Hebrew brains) into Greek and then into Latin and many other languages, plus the false pagan traditions that papacy made mandatory.
How would Jewish people recognize in Yeshua the Israeli born, Jewish rabbi when Christianity constantly brainwashes people to think He is the white skinned, blue eyed Westerner who invented  the doctrine called 'Christianity'.

How would His Jewish brothers recognize the One who has been depicted as hating them for being killed? How would they recognize their long lost brother whom is presented as the 'person who abolishes Torah?'

It takes a long way to be willing to examine the Gospels in a linguistic and cultural  Hebraic context, and to understand that Yeshua has always been a rabbi who taught Torah, and even in a very halachic way! In many Jewish families, reading the Gospels is forbidden, because it is assimilated with pagan stuff.

The paradox: Yeshua, a 'goy' to the goyim

The great paradox is that many non-Jews also fail miserably in looking at Yeshua as a plain Jewish person.
While many would admit theoretically that 'Jesus' is a Jew', once you explain them what 'being a Jew' actually means, they start denying the very fact that they previously admitted, ending up in a hateful diatribe against the Jews who 'ply under this horrible burden called Torah'.
Many non-Jews also believe that, post Resurrection, Yeshua is not Jewish anymore-which actually doesn't make sense.

What am I trying to explain? I am trying to tell you all that many eyes, be they Jewish or not, are blind to see the REAL YESHUA, the teacher of Torah, the perfecter of our faith; the One who brings peace and Salvation to the world.

When the Son of Man comes back will He find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8

We have reached Messianic times and a lot of prophecies are being accomplished.
Back in the 1st Century, Yeshua raised this important question: when He returns, will He find 'emunah', faith ( in Hebrew) on the earth?
The Hebrew word 'emunah' is very important: it carries the word 'Amen' that people are saying quite mechanically at the end of their prayers without even thinking about it. Having Emunah is being in total agreement with our Torah teaching Messiah. 

How will people understand Yeshua if they do not make the effort to understand His words in context? Because Christianity often depicts Yeshua as sugarcoated, a lot of people think that they have license to sin and that they will be forgiven anyway.

With the increase of evil and debauchery, each and every one is meant to amend their ways.

Yeshua let me see that many eyes on both sides will fail to comprehend who He is at His return-the ones who expect a lamb will see a lion, and vice-versa.

You ought to know that the Day of the Lord will be a day of Judgment.

Let us pray that we all walk in humbleness and readiness to meet our King.

In Yeshua's Name.


Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Yosef Karduner - Ma'oz Tzur - מעוז צור

I am with you until the end of age ( from the draft 'Figments of Light')

'I am with you till the end of age' (Matthew 28:20)

Another Shabbat had begun...I was living from Shabbat to Shabbat, in the expectation of heavenly rest. Each week, I was longing to put an end to my activities and to spend time with the King.
In the month of kislev, Shabbat falls very early. In the semi-darkness that was filling my room, I lit my candles, recited the blessing in Hebrew, and spent a few hours in praise.

I read and meditated, sung and felt my awesome King's presence.
The surroundings were supernaturally calm. I sensed the beautiful harmony of soundless sounds from Heaven.
Time to go to bed approached. I prepared myself. My heart was a little bit in anguish.

© 2017 Tiberias by night 

'I am afraid that you could go. Do not leave me, Yeshua... '
'Fear not ', Yeshua said to me, ' I love you forever'.
I sank into sleep, but woke up after an hour. I noticed that I was cold. My room was lacking heating.

'Yeshua, I am cold', I uttered. 'Please keep me warm. Please help me get asleep again. I really need to rest. Please grant me your protection'.

As these words had come out of my mouth, I glanced at some immaculate blanket, whiter than snow. I saw how my whole body was completely wrapped into it. Warmth spread from all sides, but it wasn't the ordinary warmth of some heater. I knew that this was the warmth emanating from a heart of pure love.
As I was sinking more and more into sleepiness , I realized that the blanket was the Spirit. Yeshua had kept His promise and I had felt His loving care all night long.

Yeshua's love is so hard to depict to the skeptic, because His love is something you can truly understand once you experience it.
Many individuals have disappointed me ; but my Savior's love is a precious jewel that never fades in the very depths of my heart.

©2017 by Isabelle Esling

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