If you are reading translated versions of the Bible, you will miss some very important and often capital points. Reading the Torah and Tanach in Hebrew language will facilitate your understanding of the text in the specific context it was born into. Moreover, studying Jewish thought, especially of ancient times, is mandatory if you want to access the secrets the Word contains.
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Closed mem=closed womb |
Each Hebrew letter is called oth, which means sign and/or miracle. Each letter has been placed into the texts you are reading for a reason that goes beyond the word itself. In each letter there is a meaningful symbolism that needs to be decrypted.
But, especially when you come across abnomalies inside of a text such as an oversized lamed, a broken vav or a closed mem, you should grant it much attention. It surely contains a secret from Heavens.
Isaiah, Chapter 9, verse 7 shows us a very weird closed mem inside of a word, which is something that should not happen...the usual rule would be to place an open mem inside of a word, so why is there a closed mem inside of Isaiah's scroll? Did the scribe make a mistake? Knowing the strict rules that scribes had to abide regarding writing and copying a text, this is very unlikely.
So if this is not due to a mistake, we can conclude that the presence of the closed mem was intentional.
We know from ancient sources that the closed mem points at a closed womb and also represents a masculine element. The Targum, the Aramaic translation of Scriptures points at the closed mem in Isaiah as the hidden Messiah.
Hidden and twisted by Rome
If Yeshua ben Yosef was the promised Maschiach, why didn't He reveal His true ID immediately?
There are several reasons to that:
- in the 1st century, the time was not ready for Israel to welcome the Messiah. Like in Yosef's story, Yeshua was " sold out" by his brothers and rejected, so the gentile nations could embrace Him.
- however, due to the estrangement from Jewish communities, the image of the Hebrew Messiah has been completely distorted and perverted by Rome. His real Name, his date of birth and many details have been changed to match pagan customs and pagan divinities such as Ishtar or Tammuz.
- this totally explains why many Jewish people mistake Yeshua for a "goy" because they are confused with Rome's made-up pagan character.
- after 2000 years of lies and distortions from the pagan world, Yeshua will be given back to Israel. A lot of contemporary events tend to prove that we have reached these times. A lot of rabbis and Jewish people are coming to faith in Yeshua, simply by investigating Torah and Tanach. I firmly believe that we are in Messianic times now.
- The encounter-time of truth when Yeshua will encounter His brothers( when they will realize that Maschiach ben David is the same person that the One who has been hanged on the tree and crucified), they will fear Him and weep bitterly, as the prophecy of Zechariah announces it clearly in Chapter 12, verse 10. They will expect Yeshua's anger, but He will hug them and console them.
Other reasons for Maschiach ben Yosef being hidden:
- Moschiach Melech will not boast about His deeds. He will walk humbly.
This explains why Yeshua would tell evil spirits to shut up about His ID ( Mark 6).
Yeshua is revealed in Shomron ( Samaria) and rejected by His own peers in Nazareth.
-The Gospel of Mark, Chapter 8, verses 28 and 29 teach us that insights about the Messiah come from the Ruach, the Spirit of HaShem. Therefore, Shim'on Kepha would utter the truth about Yeshua.
Yeshua's virgin birth
לָכֵן יִתֵּן אֲדֹנָי הוּא, לָכֶם--אוֹת: הִנֵּה הָעַלְמָה, הָרָה וְיֹלֶדֶת בֵּן, וְקָרָאת שְׁמוֹ, עִמָּנוּ אֵל.
The verse of Isaiah 7:14 in Hebrew has been the subject of many controversies and disputes.
The Hebrew part that is underlined in red says " hine haalma, hara beyoledet ben.", which means " the young woman shall conceive and bear a son".
- The first objection that is often used lies in the use of " alma", young woman instead of "betulah", virgin. One may be tempted to ask: " Why didn't prophet Isaiah use "virgin" straight away?". Well, the word " alma" in Isaiah's precise context, depicts a young, unmarried lady, who happens to be a virgin. All young Israeli women who were unmarried at this time were virgins, due to their strict education in conformity with Torah.
- The second objection is that the prophecy was aimed solely at King Hezekiah. I don't think that this objection is valid, because the same prophecy can sometimes be applied to different situations and in different centuries. Some Talmudic sources ( Sanhedrin 94a) seem to indicate that the Messiah is HaShem's secret ( for more info, check the interesting resource provided by Walter Christopher Frederickson in the "Rabbinic Gospel of Mark, footnote p.108)
- Yeshua's mom's name is Miryam "מרים ". Her name contains both letters, the open and the closed mem. It begins with the open mem and ends with the closed mem.
Let us pray that Yeshua the Hebrew Messiah will be revealed to His Jewish brothers as the fulfillment to all promises to Israel.
Come soon, Yeshua. Amen.
© copyright 2017 by Isabelle Esling