Mark 1:13 He was there in the wilderness forty days, Satan tested him and he was with the Hayyot (guttural pronunciation) and angels (Malakhim) were serving Him. (Franz Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels)
a representation of the angelic creatures ( "Living Creatures") called Hayyot
(See Ezekiel Chapter 1 and Revelation, Chapter 4)
My very recent acquisition of Hebrew Delitzsch Gospels confirms what I already knew deep in my heart: the Gospels are not a Western document. Not only are they interconnected with Torah and other Scriptures of the Old Testament, they are also deeply rooted in Jewish customs.
If we really want to understand what rabbi Yeshua our Messiah actually meant in His words and how He lived in the 1st century, we must make the effort to understand the Gospels in their original context. I might displease some of you, but this is not an option, otherwise you'll miss the same direction of the Gospels that are too often interpreted in a very simplistic and completely drawn out of context.
My grandfather used to have the most beautiful garden in his quarter. People used to admire how he managed to make fruit and vegetables grow and how he took care of flowers and plants.
He spent hours digging the soil and watering it. And I think that his hours of digging, along with regular watering, made his garden look really beautiful. Similarly, we need to step away from classical theology and read the verses we think we know with new eyes and a humble spirit. We must make the effort to dig deep into the Jewish background that birthed them, possibly with a rabbinic approach. We must dare to question the text, with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is what verses are meant for. Do not accept an interpretation, because it is popular. It might be wrong.
Humble yourselves before Yeshua. Ask Him and He will reveal the treasure of the Gospels.
A new perspective on brand Mark 1:13
Most of you know the episode of Yeshua in the desert. It was indeed a testing time for Yeshua, which is symbolically linked to the 40 years that the Hebrews spent in the desert.
Based on translations of the Greek version, most translations render the verse of Mark 1:13:
"He was in the wilderness forty days, enduring temptations of Satan. He was with wild animals, and the angels did minister to his needs. "
The regular translation of Mark 1:13 is based on the misinterpretation of the word "Hayyot" which means "Living Beings" and refers to a type of angels are distinct from the main angels or Malakhim serving Yeshua.
Actually that one word Hayyot, changes the whole meaning of the verse and lets us know that Yeshua was experiencing a supernatural vision of the throne of Hashem, similar to Ezekiel's description.
Description of the Hayyot and vision of the glory of Hashem's throne
Here is a YouTubeVideo that will help you become familiar with the mystical experience of Ezekiel (Merkabah mysticism). Yeshua saw the same type of angelic creatures and the glory of Hashem.
One may ask: why did Yeshua have this experience in the desert, in the middle of the trial of the enemy?
Many supernatural mystical experiences occur when we are ALONE with Hashem and entirely focused on Him. Many individuals are actually missing them, because of their fear of the desert.
When I speak of "desert", I am not speaking specifically of the physical desert, but I am referring to a complete isolation space and silence where we welcome the presence of Hashem with a committed heart.
Like Yeshua, our Messiah, be open to welcome the desert experience. May our hearts be committed to Hashem and our minds open to learning more of His Word. Amen.
Copyright © Isabelle Esling